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Voor veel organisaties is Social CRM dé CRM uitdaging in 2012. Waren we in 2011 aan het stoeien over de positie van social media in de marketingmix, in 2012 stellen we onszelf de vraag: ‘welke contactmomenten binnen social media zijn eigenlijk relevant, hoe leggen we die momenten vast en vooral, hoe zetten we alle informatie die we binnenkrijgen in om onze klant nóg beter van dienst te kunnen zijn?

Het antwoord? Social CRM.

De komende periode kunt u veel verwachten van CRM excellence op het gebied van Social CRM. In de vorm van blogs, onderzoeken en artikelen, maar ook in een concreet aanbod in onze dienstverlening. Laten we eens beginnen met uit te leggen wat Social CRM nou eigenlijk is.

21 experts helpen ons met hun definitie:

  1. Social CRM enhances the relationship aspect of CRM and builds on improving the relationship with more meaningful interactions. – Altimeter
  2. [Social] CRM is a philosophy and a business strategy, supported by a system and a technology, designed to improve human interaction in a business environment. – Oliver Blanchard
  3. Social CRM is the process by which organizations make clients an integral asset in the management of productive relationships. – Mark Bonnell
  4. Social CRM is a business philosophy that expands the borders of traditional customer relationship management beyond information, process and technology to people, conversations, and relationships. – Jas Dhillon
  5. Social CRM captures both the tools AND the processes around the tools to: 1) leverage crowd sourcing customer ideas, 2) apply the wisdom of crowds to those ideas, 3) create a public customer ecosystem, 4) take the customer experience and communication to the time, place and method the customer prefers and 5) increase customer intimacy and empowerment. – Michael Fauscette
  6. Social CRM is a strategy for harnessing communities to support customers and prospects, as well as sales, marketing and customer service organizations, along a purposeful and mutually beneficial business process – Gartner
  7. Social CRM is a philosophy and a business strategy, supported by a technology platform, business rules, workflow, processes and social characteristics, designed to engage the customer in a collaborative conversation in order to provide mutually beneficial value in a trusted & transparent business environment. It’s the company’s programmatic response to the customer’s control of the conversation. – Paul Greenberg
  8. Social CRM is the business strategy of engaging customers through Social Media with goal of building trust and brand loyalty. – Harish Kotadia, PH.D
  9. Social CRM is customer relationship management fostered by communication with customers through social networking sites, such as Twitter and Facebook. – Jacob Morgan
  10. Social CRM is a strategy to engage customers in a mutually beneficial conversation through the use of various technology platforms. – Tim Sanchez
  11. Social customer relationship management (Social CRM) refers to the use of social media and social media techniques to engage a business’s customer base. – Technopedia
  12. Social CRM is the integration of social media and CRM. Literally: Social + CRM. If you don’t have both, you don’t have Social CRM. – Bob Thompson
  13. Social CRM or SCRM is a business strategy that enables brands to proactively identify, engage and build advocacy with customers through social media in real time. – Kohiben Vodden
  14. A process to monitor, engage and manage conversations and relationships with existing and prospective customers and influencers across the internet, social networks and digital channels. – Martin Walsh
  15. Social CRM builds upon CRM by leveraging a social element that enables a business to connect customer conversations and relationships from social networking sites in to the CRM process. – Webopedia
  16. (Social CRM) is the use of social and traditional CRM tools and processes to support a strategy of customer engagement. – ZD Net

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